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Spine Disorders Specialist


Romer Mosquera, M.D.

Board Certified Neurologist & Clinical Neurophysiologist located in Miami, FL

Many different spine disorders cause lower back and neck pain. In many cases, the pain is chronic and severe enough to take time away from your work and family life. Board-certified neurologist Romer Mosquera, MD, at Neuroclinics in Miami, Florida, offers exceptional care of spine disorders. Dr. Mosquera provides comprehensive treatments ranging from conservative choices to advanced interventional medicine procedures that target the source of your pain. To schedule an appointment, call the office today or book one online.

Spine Disorders Q & A

What causes spine disorders?

Spine disorders often develop after an injury, whether you suffer a minor pulled muscle or a severe injury like a fractured vertebra. You can also develop problems in your back or neck if you get a spinal infection or have an inherited disorder.

As you get older, spine disorders are often caused by everyday wear-and-tear. The structures in your spine start to degenerate, and you develop problems like:

  • Facet joint arthritis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Herniated discs
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Thickened ligaments
  • Slipped vertebrae

Degenerative spine disorders often pinch your nerves, a condition called radiculopathy.

What symptoms develop due to spine disorders?

Most patients initially feel lower back or neck pain. Their pain could be a constant ache or a sharp pain caused by specific movements.

If you have a pinched nerve, you could also have symptoms that follow the nerve. For example, you could experience pain, tingling, or numbness that radiates down your arms or legs, depending on where the pinched nerve is.

Sciatica, one of the most common examples of radiculopathy, appears when the sciatic nerve, your body’s largest nerve, is compressed. As a result, you have the classic symptoms of severe, electric-shock pain that suddenly shoots down one leg.

In severe radiculopathy cases, you can end up with weak muscles, difficulty lifting your feet when you walk, and loss of bladder and bowel control.

How are spine disorders treated?

Your provider at Neuroclinics initially treats spine disorders with conservative choices. You might need medication management, changes in your activity, physical therapy, or steroid medications.

If you go through this first line of treatment and still have symptoms, your provider will recommend interventional treatments. These treatments precisely target the affected nerves in your spine.

Some interventional therapies, like epidural steroid injections and nerve blocks, use medications to reduce inflamed nerves and stop nerve signals from sending pain messages to your brain.

You can also get exceptional pain relief with advanced interventional treatments. Spinal cord stimulation masks pain signals, while an intrathecal pain pump delivers medication directly into your spine.

As a last resort, the team at Neuroclinics could recommend minimally invasive surgery to repair the underlying problem.

Don’t keep struggling with back or neck pain when you can get customized treatment and pain relief at Neuroclinics. Call the office today or book an appointment online.