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Movement Disorders Specialist


Romer Mosquera, M.D.

Board Certified Neurologist & Clinical Neurophysiologist located in Miami, FL

If you experience tremors, uncontrollable muscle movements, or notice that you walk slower than you once did, you could have a movement disorder. Neurological specialist Romer Mosquera, MD, at Neuroclinics in Miami, Florida, has extensive experience diagnosing and treating movement disorders. Dr. Mosquera helps you regain function and stay active. If you notice any changes in the way you move, call the office today or schedule an appointment online.

Movement Disorders Q & A

What are movement disorders?

Movement disorders are neurological conditions affecting your muscles. These disorders can cause uncontrollable muscle movements like tremors and spasms, slow down your ability to move, and give you stiff muscles.

Examples of movement disorders include:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Essential tremor
  • Dystonia
  • Chorea
  • Ataxia

Though each disorder has its own symptoms and causes, they’re all connected with nerve degeneration or brain damage. In many cases, these nerves produce dopamine, a brain chemical that controls muscle movement. Without enough dopamine, you develop a movement disorder.

What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease, one of the most common movement disorders, develops as dopamine-producing nerves degenerate and die.

Parkinson’s causes four primary symptoms:

  • Rigidity (stiff muscles)
  • Tremors (uncontrollable shaking)
  • Postural instability (loss of balance)
  • Bradykinesia (slow movement)

Parkinson’s disease gets worse over time. That leads to additional symptoms as more nerves degenerate. For example, you can develop a stooped posture, have difficulty swallowing, or notice changes in your speech.

Some people take shorter steps or drag one of their feet when they walk. You can also lose your natural facial expressions and develop memory loss and hallucinations.

How are movement disorders diagnosed?

To diagnose a movement disorder, your provider at Neuroclinics reviews your medical and family history, asks you about your symptoms, and completes physical and neurological exams. Your provider could order diagnostic imaging, like an MRI.

Among the most important diagnostic tests is electromyography (EMG). EMG helps identify the type of movement disorder by measuring nerve function and showing how your nerves and muscles work together.

How are movement disorders treated?

Medications form the foundation for treating most movement disorders. Your provider prescribes medications that ease your symptoms in different ways. These drugs can replace, increase, or imitate the effect of dopamine.

If you’re suffering from muscle spasms, your provider can give you Botox® injections. Botox temporarily relaxes muscles by blocking specific nerve signals.

If your symptoms don’t get better with medication, your provider could recommend surgery. The team at Neuroclinics specializes in several kinds of surgery that work by blocking the nerve signals responsible for tremors and other abnormal muscle movements.

You can depend on getting comprehensive care for movement disorders at Neuroclinics. To schedule an appointment, call the office today or use the online booking system.